Art Anatomy

Control Lines

I like to connect bony landmarks as a series of points that I call Control Lines. These lines connect key points of the body in ways that don't usually occur to the beginner, but set up a handy framework to create form. The control lines include some fleshy landmarks as well.

Spine Line

  1. occipital protuberance
  2. C7
  3. T12
  4. sacrum
  5. top of gluteal cleft (the split of the buttocks)
  6. bottom of gluteal cleft

Center Line

  1. chin
  2. hyoid bone
  3. supersternal notch
  4. infrasternal notch
  5. navel
  6. pubic symphysis

Front Line

  1. acromion process
  2. nipple
  3. low point of rib #10
  4. anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS)
  5. pubic symphysis

Back Line

  1. acromion process
  2. spine of scapula
  3. inferior angle of scapula
  4. posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS)
  5. top of gluteal cleft

Medial Leg Line

  1. pubic symphysis
  2. ASIS
  3. medial condyle of femur
  4. patella
  5. medial malleolus
  6. head of metatarsal #1
  7. calcaneus

Lateral Leg Line

  1. ASIS
  2. great trochanter
  3. lateral condyle of femur
  4. head of fibula
  5. lateral malleolus
  6. head of metatarsal #5
  7. calcaneus

Medial Arm Line

  1. acromion process
  2. medial epicondyle of humerus
  3. olecranon
  4. head of ulna
  5. head of metacarpal #5

Lateral Arm Line

  1. spine of scapula (medial end)
  2. inferior angle of scapula
  3. acromion process
  4. lateral epicondyle of humerus
  5. styloid process of radius
  6. head of metacarpal #2

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Next: General Terms for the Muscles

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