Art Anatomy

The Forehead, Bridge of Nose, and Eyes

The top of the head is covered with a thin muscle called epicranius (ep-ih-CRAY-nee-us). The forehead portion of epicranius, called frontalis (front-TAL-iss) attaches to a wide tendon at the top of the forehead and inserts into the skin above the eyebrows. It draws the eyebrows upward, creating horizontal folds on the forehead.

Corrugator (COR-uh-gate-or) attaches to the nasal bone and the flesh at the midpoint of the brow ridge. When contracted, it creates vertical folds on the forehead. Procerus (pro-SAIR-rus) , which originates on the nasal bone and inserts into the flesh on the middle of the forehead, helps pull the eyebrows downward and together.

Completely covering the orbit and running through the eyelids is orbicularis oculi (or-bic-you-LAIR-iss OC-you-lee, the circle of the eye). This muscle is responsible for closing the eyelids and squinting.

Previous: The Muscles of the Skull

Next: The Nostrils and Lips

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